Browse Items (17 total)

140-Myrtle Cagle.jpg
Black and white photograph of Myrtle Thompson Cagle strapped to a tilt table, supervised by a woman in a white nurse's uniform and a man wearing black pants with a white shirt during the Woman in Space testing.

138-Jerrie Cobb.jpg
Black and white photograph of Jerrie Cobb in a radiation machine, supervised by a man in a white lab coat, during Woman in Space testing.

PC137W copy.png
Black and white photograph of Jean Hixson breathing into a tube while seated in a chair during Woman in Space testing. Hixson wears a long polka-dotted dress with sandals.

136- Joan Merriam.jpg
'Black and white portrait of Joan Merriam Smith wearing a white blouse seated in front of a blank background. Portrait is from the waist up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

135-Patricia Jetton.jpg
Black and white portrait of Patricia Jetton wearing a white blouse seated in front of a blank background. Portrait is from the waist up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

133-Georgiana McConnell.jpg
Black and white portrait of Georgiana McConnell wearing a white blouse seated in front of a blank background. Portrait is from the waist up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

132-Myrtle Cagle.jpg
Black and white portrait of Myrtle Cagle wearing a monogrammed blouse in front of a blank background. Portrait is from the waist up.
Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

128-Jerry Sloan.jpg
Black and white portrait of Jerri Truhill wearing a light-colored blouse in front of a blank background. Photo is from the waist up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

127-Rhea Hurrle.jpg
Black and white portrait of Rhea Hurle wearing a dark sweater in front of a blank background. Photo is from the chest up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph Lovelace.

126-Marion Dietrick.jpg
Black and white portrait of Marion Dietrich wearing a dark shirt in front of a blank background. Photo is from the shoulders up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph Lovelace.

125-Bernice Steadman.jpg
Black and white portrait of B Steadman wearing a dark top and pearl necklace in front of a blank background. Photo is from the shoulders up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

124-Jan Dietrich.jpg
Black and white portrait of Jan Dietrich wearing a blazer and pearl necklace in front of a blank background. Photo is from the chest up.
Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph…

Black and white side profile of Jean Hixson, wearing a white blouse patterned with Grecian urns. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William Randolph Lovelace.

122-Sarah Groelick.jpg
Black and white portrait of Sarah Gorelick Ratley wearing a button-up sleeveless top in front of a dark background. Photo is from the chest up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William…

121-Janey Hart.jpg
Black and white portrait of Jane Briggs Hart wearing a light-colored button-up blouse in front of a blank background. Photo is from the chest up. Taken as part of record-keeping for the 1960 Woman in Space testing program conducted by Dr. William…

120-Lovelace Clinic.jpg
Black and white aerial photograph of the Lovelace Clinic complex in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Includes multiple buildings and roads

A privately owned research institute, the Lovelace Clinic was the site chosen by NASA in 1959 to test men to be…

119-Albequerque, NM.jpg
Black and white photograph of the front of an adobe-style building. Sign on the front of the building reads "Lovelace Clinic"

A privately owned research institute the Lovelace Clinic was the site chosen by NASA in 1959 to test men to be potential…
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