Black and white photograph of seven Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) pilots, all in uniform, walking across an airfield with multiple planes in the background. in the foreground of the image is the nose and propeller of a single-engine…
Black and white photograph of six people [two women and four men] standing in front of a B-17 with "WAFS Queen Bee" painted on the nose. The woman on the left is Nancy Harkness Love and on the right is Betty Gillies. The men are…
Black and white photograph of Nancy Harkness Love and Colonel Baker standing in front of a wall of maps at New Castle Army Air Base. Nancy holds a card up to the wall and Col. Baker holds a paper in his hand.
Black and white photograph of Teresa James (left) and Betty Gillies both wearing WAFS uniforms. Teresa is wearing full blazer and tie, with a identification badge reading "Evansville Modification Center Pass 66" with her hand on the propeller of a…
Black and white photograph of four women wearing trousers and leather jackets with the Air Transport Command patch.
From L to R: Betty Gillies, Evelyn Sharp, Barbara Erickson, and Helen Richards at Camp Pickett in Blackstone, Virginia.
Black and white photograph of five WAFS pilots, all in uniform and seated. Gertrude Meserve [left] and Nancy Batson [right] sit on the floor with Betty Gillies seated on the arm of a flowered chair, all looking at a map on the floor. Dorothy Fulton…
Black and white photograph of six WAFS pilots seated at various points around the alert room at NCAAB. The women are in uniform and are looking at maps.
Seated on floor at far left: Gertrude Tuffs
Seated on chair at left: Nancy Batson
Kneeling in…
Black and white photograph of six women wearing winter flight suits, several holding paper/maps. At the far right stands a man wearing uniform trousers and a leather jacket with the Air Transport Command insignia patch. The group stands outside on…